Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Down The Rabbit Hole

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the only one who'll decide where you'll go.
Dr. Seuss

I don't know where I am going, or how I will get there, but I've decided to start walking. I've always found life to be interesting, heck, sometimes even fun. I've moved a total of 10 times that I can remember. Sometimes they are small, in state moves, sometimes large. Most of my large moves have been between Michigan and Florida. Apparently I love moving more than even I think I do, because I'll be doing it again soon. But, to tell you the truth, I do kind of like it. Every time I moveit's a different adventure, a whole new set of challenges to overcome.

This most recent move was sparked by my boyfriend and I pretty much getting kicked out of the house we are living in (long back story - I'll get back to that later). So, since he was out of work anyway, he got his old job back at the mall. I, however, had a job that I have since had to quit. The short and long of that situation runs down to the cost of gas. We are moving about an hour from where we are now, and there was no reason to keep a part-time job and pay out the wazoo for gas!

So instead, I started an online business (thank you - and if your interested in checking it out now, go to my profile and lick on the link on the left that says "My Web Page"). It hasn't been the most lucrative idea I've ever had, but it has helped us. Though it isn't bringing in as much money as I would have liked, I'm loving it. Getting to be my own boss, working when I want, relaxing when I want... its amazing to say the least. Not to mention getting to find the items to post! It's almost like being a pirate and finding buried treasure (without the stealing part). Then I had the idea to finally start blogging.

I've toyed with the idea of blogging over the years, and usually it fails. I always seem to forget for one reason or another, or don't feel like I have anything to talk about. But this time, things are different. I have tons to talk about! Especially with my new store! So many of those items have stories that I would like to tell, from so many sweet people I meet. Then there is my life in general, my struggle with weight loss, and my wish to lead a vegan lifestyle (mainly for health reasons).

So there you have it, my world. Its up and down, never boring. I'm so excited to share my life with you, and I hope you will enjoy the ride as much as I do.


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